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Get US Treasury Yield of specified maturity and interval

Submitted by:
Justin Gnoh
This example shows how to return the daily, weekly, and monthly US treasury yield of a given maturity timeline from the Alphavantage API. Result is expected to be in percentage.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 // This function retrieves the latest released yield of the US X Year Treasury from the AlphaVantage API given a specific interval or maturity. // Maturity timelines: 3month, 2year, 5year, 7year, 10year, 30year // Interval options: daily, weekly, monthly const maturity = args[0] const interval = args[1] if (!secrets.apiKey) { throw Error("Need to set Alpha Vantage API key"); } // make HTTP request const url = `` console.log(`HTTP GET Request to ${url}&interval=${interval}&maturity=${maturity}`) // construct the HTTP Request object. See: // params used for URL query parameters const alphavantageRequest = Functions.makeHttpRequest({ url: url, params: { interval: interval, maturity: maturity, apikey: secrets.apiKey }, }) // Execute the API request (Promise) const alphavantageResponse = await alphavantageRequest if (alphavantageResponse.error) { console.error(alphavantageResponse.error) throw Error("Request failed") } const data = alphavantageResponse["data"] console.log(data); // Gets the latest yield rate in the array of returned data values const floatingRate =[0].value; if (data.Response === "Error") { console.error(data.Message) throw Error(`Functional error. Read message: ${data.Message}`) } // Solidity doesn't support decimals so multiply by 100 and round to the nearest integer // Use Functions.encodeUint256 to encode an unsigned integer to a Buffer return Functions.encodeUint256(Math.round(floatingRate * 100))